Eine modernisierte Version des offiziellen IFI-Templates für Abschlussarbeiten
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

168 lines
3.9 KiB

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 10pt,chapterprefix=true,listof=totoc,parskip=half]{scrbook}
\usepackage[sortlocale=auto, style=authoryear, citestyle=authoryear, backend=biber, autopunct=true, dashed=false]{biblatex}
\setmonofont{Fira Code Regular}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
%--- basic document configuration ---
\newcommand{\mycourse}{Angewandte Informatik}
%\newcommand{\mycourse}{Internet Technologies and Information Systems}
\newcommand{\mytitle}{Ein Template für Abschlussarbeiten im Jahre 2021}
\newcommand{\myauthor}{Fleißiger Studierender}
\newcommand{\mydepartment}{Institut für Informatik}
%\newcommand{\mysubmissiondate}{23. Februar 2021}
%\newcommand{\mythesisid}{201x-xx} %assigned by examination office
\newcommand{\myfirstsupervisor}{Prof. Supervisor}
\newcommand{\mysecondsupervisor}{Dr. Zweitprüfer}
%--- pdf/a format ----
% insert metadata about the document here
\Title{\mytitle v\version}
\Keywords{bachelor\sep computer\sep science}
\usepackage[a-1b, mathxmp]{pdfx}[2018/12/22]
% This is based on the official thesis template of
% the Institute of Computer Science at the
% Georg-August-University of Göttingen
% originial author: kellner@cs.uni-goettingen.de
% If you find any sort of mistake please let me know
% so that it can be fixed in future releases.
%%--- include custom commands ---
%%--- include general configuration ---
%--- list of acronyms ---
%lower case roman page numbers
%--- cover page ---
%--- statement page ---
%--- abstract ---
%reset acronyms after abstract
%--- table of contents ---
%--- list of figures ---
%--- list of tables ---
%--- list of listings ---
%arabic page numbers
%--- chaper 1..n ---
% References
%--- appendix ---