Eine modernisierte Version des offiziellen IFI-Templates für Abschlussarbeiten
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
903 B

COMPILER=xelatex -shell-escape --synctex=1 -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -z 1"
TEX_SOURCES=$(TARGET).tex content/*.tex
all: fast bibtex
fast-verify: fast verify
verify: $(TARGET).pdf
$(VERAPDF) --format text $(TARGET).pdf
fast: $(TEX_SOURCES)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
bibtex: $(TARGET).aux
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
biber $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
makeglossaries $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
index: $(TARGET).aux
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
makeindex $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
$(COMPILER) -halt-on-error $(TARGET)
rm -f *.log *.toc *.lof *.lot *.out *.pdf *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.lol *.acn *.bcf *.glo *.ist *.run.xml *.xmpdata *.xmpi *.acr *.alg *.glg *.gls