Eine modernisierte Version des offiziellen IFI-Templates für Abschlussarbeiten
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

168 lines
3.9 KiB

3 years ago
  1. \documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 10pt,chapterprefix=true,listof=totoc,parskip=half]{scrbook}
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  29. \newcommand{\mytype}{Bachelorarbeit}
  30. %\newcommand{\mytype}{Masterarbeit}
  31. \newcommand{\mycourse}{Angewandte Informatik}
  32. %\newcommand{\mycourse}{Internet Technologies and Information Systems}
  33. \newcommand{\mytitle}{Ein Template für Abschlussarbeiten im Jahre 2021}
  34. \newcommand{\myauthor}{Fleißiger Studierender}
  35. \newcommand{\mydepartment}{Institut für Informatik}
  36. \newcommand{\mysubmissiondate}{\today}
  37. %\newcommand{\mysubmissiondate}{23. Februar 2021}
  38. %\newcommand{\mythesisid}{201x-xx} %assigned by examination office
  39. \newcommand{\myfirstsupervisor}{Prof. Supervisor}
  40. \newcommand{\mysecondsupervisor}{Dr. Zweitprüfer}
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  55. %
  56. % This is based on the official thesis template of
  57. % the Institute of Computer Science at the
  58. % Georg-August-University of Göttingen
  59. %
  60. % originial author: kellner@cs.uni-goettingen.de
  61. %
  62. % If you find any sort of mistake please let me know
  63. % so that it can be fixed in future releases.
  64. %
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  132. \input{content/appendix_a}
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