Telegram version of schneiderbot
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號 ('-') 且最長為 35 個字。
angerstoner a851ca8f72 added list of commands for botfahther 6 年前
.gitignore added gitignore 6 年前
LICENSE Initial commit 6 年前 Initial commit 6 年前
commandlist added list of commands for botfahther 6 年前
goodlife.txt Added more quotes 6 年前
manta.txt added manta, stoll, start 6 年前
requirements.txt added requirements.txt, added dog command 6 年前 sudo kill 6 年前
stoll.txt added manta, stoll, start 6 年前


Telegram version of schneiderbot