You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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You can now use Fontawesome as alternative to the Mono social icons. Look here for more instructions.

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Hide pages

Pages can now be hidden by adding hidden = true to the frontmatter. The pages are still built but they will not appear in the post in on the homepage.

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Social links with icons can be enabled replacing the copyright field in footer. Configure the style and links in config.toml.


Hugo v0.15 is required in order to run the theme with the changes listed below:

Google Analytics

The setup of Google Analytics changed slighty due to the switch to Hugo's built-in template. In order to update the theme you need to relocate the google_analytics variable in the configs and rename it to googleAnalytics. Take a look in the example config.toml.

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Now the theme uses the built-in template of Hugo to enable the comments section with Disqus. This change requires to relocate the disqusShortname variable in the configs.

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