A very simple Stopwatch for the command line
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1003 B

use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, Receiver};
use duration::*;
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use signal_hook::SIGINT;
use std::io::{stdin, Result, StdoutLock, Write};
use std::thread;
pub mod duration;
pub fn signal_handler() -> Result<Receiver<()>> {
let (s, r) = bounded(1);
let signals = Signals::new(&[SIGINT])?;
thread::spawn(move || {
for _ in signals.forever() {
if s.send(()).is_err() {
pub fn input_handler() -> Result<Receiver<()>> {
let (s, r) = bounded(1);
let mut buf = String::new();
thread::spawn(move || loop {
if stdin().read_line(&mut buf).is_err() {
if s.send(()).is_err() {
/// Resets the current line on stdout
/// # Arguments
/// * w - A reference to the locked stdout handle
pub fn reset_line(w: &mut StdoutLock) -> Result<()> {
write!(w, "\r[2K")