Simple pomodoro timer for command line
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91 lines
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5 years ago
  1. # This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
  2. # It is not intended for manual editing.
  3. [[package]]
  4. name = "autocfg"
  5. version = "0.1.4"
  6. source = "registry+"
  7. [[package]]
  8. name = "chrono"
  9. version = "0.4.6"
  10. source = "registry+"
  11. dependencies = [
  12. "num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
  13. "num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
  14. "time 0.1.42 (registry+",
  15. ]
  16. [[package]]
  17. name = "libc"
  18. version = "0.2.58"
  19. source = "registry+"
  20. [[package]]
  21. name = "num-integer"
  22. version = "0.1.41"
  23. source = "registry+"
  24. dependencies = [
  25. "autocfg 0.1.4 (registry+",
  26. "num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
  27. ]
  28. [[package]]
  29. name = "num-traits"
  30. version = "0.2.8"
  31. source = "registry+"
  32. dependencies = [
  33. "autocfg 0.1.4 (registry+",
  34. ]
  35. [[package]]
  36. name = "pom"
  37. version = "0.1.0"
  38. dependencies = [
  39. "chrono 0.4.6 (registry+",
  40. ]
  41. [[package]]
  42. name = "redox_syscall"
  43. version = "0.1.54"
  44. source = "registry+"
  45. [[package]]
  46. name = "time"
  47. version = "0.1.42"
  48. source = "registry+"
  49. dependencies = [
  50. "libc 0.2.58 (registry+",
  51. "redox_syscall 0.1.54 (registry+",
  52. "winapi 0.3.7 (registry+",
  53. ]
  54. [[package]]
  55. name = "winapi"
  56. version = "0.3.7"
  57. source = "registry+"
  58. dependencies = [
  59. "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
  60. "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
  61. ]
  62. [[package]]
  63. name = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu"
  64. version = "0.4.0"
  65. source = "registry+"
  66. [[package]]
  67. name = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
  68. version = "0.4.0"
  69. source = "registry+"
  70. [metadata]
  71. "checksum autocfg 0.1.4 (registry+" = "0e49efa51329a5fd37e7c79db4621af617cd4e3e5bc224939808d076077077bf"
  72. "checksum chrono 0.4.6 (registry+" = "45912881121cb26fad7c38c17ba7daa18764771836b34fab7d3fbd93ed633878"
  73. "checksum libc 0.2.58 (registry+" = "6281b86796ba5e4366000be6e9e18bf35580adf9e63fbe2294aadb587613a319"
  74. "checksum num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+" = "b85e541ef8255f6cf42bbfe4ef361305c6c135d10919ecc26126c4e5ae94bc09"
  75. "checksum num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+" = "6ba9a427cfca2be13aa6f6403b0b7e7368fe982bfa16fccc450ce74c46cd9b32"
  76. "checksum redox_syscall 0.1.54 (registry+" = "12229c14a0f65c4f1cb046a3b52047cdd9da1f4b30f8a39c5063c8bae515e252"
  77. "checksum time 0.1.42 (registry+" = "db8dcfca086c1143c9270ac42a2bbd8a7ee477b78ac8e45b19abfb0cbede4b6f"
  78. "checksum winapi 0.3.7 (registry+" = "f10e386af2b13e47c89e7236a7a14a086791a2b88ebad6df9bf42040195cf770"
  79. "checksum winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+" = "ac3b87c63620426dd9b991e5ce0329eff545bccbbb34f3be09ff6fb6ab51b7b6"
  80. "checksum winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+" = "712e227841d057c1ee1cd2fb22fa7e5a5461ae8e48fa2ca79ec42cfc1931183f"