A cli program to easily handle .gitignore files
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Schneider 0a707bf41e
(cargo-release) version 0.3.1
1 рік тому
src Add handling of files with missing newline at end 1 рік тому
.drone.yml update drone file 4 роки тому
.editorconfig Created new project from template 4 роки тому
.gitignore add package version in logging 4 роки тому
.travis.yml Created new project from template 4 роки тому
CONTRIBUTING Created new project from template 4 роки тому
Cargo.lock (cargo-release) version 0.3.1 1 рік тому
Cargo.toml (cargo-release) version 0.3.1 1 рік тому
LICENSE update LICENSE 4 роки тому
README.md update readme 4 роки тому
clippy.toml Created new project from template 4 роки тому
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gitig - Simple gitignore management

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gitig helps you to manage your .gitignore files more easily.

When starting a new project, gitig will be there for you to download an example gitignore file for your project from GitHub. Check gitig list-templates to find all available templates and download it with gitig get {template}.

During the project there will be always some files, which need to be ignored. Don't waste time with opening .gitignore in your editor and add a line there, just gitig add {file} and you're done. When ignoring concrete files, your shell will be there for you to complete the full filename.

For more info check the help with gitig help