A cli program to easily handle .gitignore files
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
636 B

name = "gitig"
version = "0.1.3"
authors = ["Marcel Schneider <marcel@webschneider.org>"]
edition = "2018"
log = "0.4"
stderrlog = "0.4"
structopt = "0.3"
reqwest = { version = "0.10", features = ["blocking", "json"] }
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
directories = "2.0"
version = "0.12"
libc = "0.2"
#default-features = false # disable pulling in backtrace
lto = true
codegen-units = 1
opt-level = "z"
# Uncomment to sacrifice Drop-on-panic cleanup for 20K space saving
#panic = 'abort'