# Version 0.2 # Copyright 2017-2019, Stephan Sokolow # --== Variables to be customized/overridden by the user ==-- # The target for `cargo` commands to use and `install-rustup-deps` to install export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = "i686-unknown-linux-musl" # An easy way to override the `cargo` channel for just this project channel = "stable" # Extra cargo features to enable features = "" # An easy place to modify the build flags used build_flags = "" # Example for OpenPandora cross-compilation # export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi" # -- `build-dist` -- # Set this to the cross-compiler's `strip` when cross-compiling strip_bin = "strip" # Flags passed to `strip_bin` strip_flags = "--strip-unneeded" # Set this if you need to override it for a cross-compiling `sstrip` sstrip_bin = "sstrip" # Flags passed to [UPX](https://upx.github.io/) upx_flags = "--ultra-brute" # Example for OpenPandora cross-compilation # strip_bin = `echo $HOME/opt/pandora-dev/arm-2011.09/bin/pandora-strip` # -- `kcachegrind` -- # Extra arguments to pass to [callgrind](http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cl-manual.html). callgrind_args = "" # Temporary file used by `just kcachegrind` callgrind_out_file = "callgrind.out.justfile" # Set this to override how `kcachegrind` is called kcachegrind = "kcachegrind" # -- `install` and `uninstall` -- # Where to `install` bash completions. # **You'll need to manually add some lines to source these files in `.bashrc.`** bash_completion_dir = "~/.bash_completion.d" # Where to `install` fish completions. You'll probably never need to change this. fish_completion_dir = "~/.config/fish/completions" # Where to `install` zsh completions. # **You'll need to add this to your `fpath` manually** zsh_completion_dir = "~/.zsh/functions" # Where to `install` manpages. As long as `~/.cargo/bin` is in your `PATH`, `man` should # automatically pick up this location. manpage_dir = "~/.cargo/share/man/man1" # --== Code Begins ==-- # Internal variables # TODO: Look up that GitHub issues post on whitespace handling _cargo_cmd = "cargo" # Used for --dry-run simulation _cargo = _cargo_cmd + " \"+" + channel + "\"" _build_flags = "--features=\"" + features + "\" " + build_flags _doc_flags = "--document-private-items --features=\"" + features + "\"" # Parse the value of the "name" key in the [package] section of Cargo.toml # using only the commands any POSIX-compliant platform should have # Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/40778047/435253 export _pkgname=`sed -nr "/^\[package\]/ { :l /^name[ ]*=/ { s/.*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" Cargo.toml | sed 's@^"\(.*\)"$@\1@'` export _rls_bin_path="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/release/" + _pkgname export _dbg_bin_path="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/debug/" + _pkgname # Shorthand for `just test` DEFAULT: test # -- Development -- # Alias for cargo-edit's `cargo add` which regenerates local API docs afterwards add +args="": {{_cargo}} add {{args}} just doc # Alias for `cargo bloat` bloat +args="": {{_cargo}} bloat {{_build_flags}} {{args}} # Alias for `cargo check` check +args="": {{_cargo}} check {{_build_flags}} {{args}} # Superset of `cargo clean -v` which deletes other stuff this justfile builds clean +args="": {{_cargo}} clean -v {{args}} export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="target/kcov" && {{_cargo}} clean -v rm -rf dist # Run rustdoc with `--document-private-items` and then run cargo-deadlinks doc +args="": {{_cargo}} doc {{_doc_flags}} {{args}} && \ {{_cargo}} deadlinks --dir target/$CARGO_BUILD_TARGET/doc/{{_pkgname}} # Alias for `cargo +nightly fmt -- {{args}}` fmt +args="": {{_cargo_cmd}} +nightly fmt -- {{args}} # Alias for `cargo +nightly fmt -- --check {{args}}` which un-bloats TODO/FIXME warnings fmt-check +args="": cargo +nightly fmt -- --check --color always {{args}} 2>&1 | egrep -v '[0-9]*[ ]*\|' # Run a debug build under [callgrind](http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cl-manual.html), then open the # profile in [KCachegrind](https://kcachegrind.github.io/) kcachegrind +args="": {{_cargo}} build rm -rf '{{ callgrind_out_file }}' valgrind --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file='{{ callgrind_out_file }}' \ {{ callgrind_args }} 'target/{{ CARGO_BUILD_TARGET }}/debug/{{ _pkgname }}' \ '{{ args }}' || true test -e '{{ callgrind_out_file }}' {{kcachegrind}} '{{ callgrind_out_file }}' # Generate a statement coverage report in `target/cov/` kcov: #!/bin/sh # Adapted from: # - http://sunjay.ca/2016/07/25/rust-code-coverage # - https://users.rust-lang.org/t/tutorial-how-to-collect-test-coverages-for-rust-project/650 # # As of July 2, 2016, there is no option to make rustdoc generate a runnable # test executable. That means that documentation tests will not show in your # coverage data. If you discover a way to run the doctest executable with kcov, # please open an Issue and we will add that to these instructions. # -- https://github.com/codecov/example-rust # Ensure that kcov can see totally unused functions without clobbering regular builds # Adapted from: # - http://stackoverflow.com/a/38371687/435253 # - https://gist.github.com/dikaiosune/07177baf5cea76c27783efa55e99da89 export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="target/kcov" export RUSTFLAGS='-C link-dead-code' kcov_path="$CARGO_TARGET_DIR/html" if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then shift; fi # workaround for "can't shift that many" being fatal in dash cargo test --no-run || exit $? rm -rf "$kcov_path" for file in "$CARGO_TARGET_DIR"/"$CARGO_BUILD_TARGET"/debug/$_pkgname-*; do if [ -x "$file" ]; then outpath="$kcov_path/$(basename "$file")" mkdir -p "$outpath" kcov --exclude-pattern=/.cargo,/usr/lib --verify "$outpath" "$file" "$@" elif echo "$file" | grep -F -e '-*'; then echo "No build files found for coverage!" exit 1 fi done # Alias for cargo-edit's `cargo rm` which regenerates local API docs afterwards rm +args="": {{_cargo}} rm {{args}} just doc # Convenience alias for opening a crate search on lib.rs in the browser search +args="": xdg-open "https://lib.rs/search?q={{args}}" # Run all installed static analysis, plus `cargo test` test: @echo "============================= Outdated Packages =============================" @{{_cargo}} outdated @echo "\n============================= Insecure Packages =============================" @{{_cargo}} audit -q @echo "\n=============================== Clippy Lints ================================" @{{_cargo}} clippy -q {{_build_flags}} @echo "\n===================== Dead Internal Documentation Links =====================" @{{_cargo}} doc -q --document-private-items {{_build_flags}} && \ {{_cargo}} deadlinks --dir target/$CARGO_BUILD_TARGET/doc/{{_pkgname}} @echo "\n================================ Test Suite =================================" @{{_cargo}} test -q {{_build_flags}} @echo "=============================================================================" # Alias for cargo-edit's `cargo update` which regenerates local API docs afterwards update +args="": {{_cargo}} update {{args}} just doc # TODO: https://users.rust-lang.org/t/howto-sanitize-your-rust-code/9378 # -- Local Builds -- # Alias for `cargo build` build: @echo "\n--== Building with {{channel}} for {{CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}} (features: {{features}}) ==--\n" {{_cargo}} build {{_build_flags}} # Install the un-packed binary, shell completions, and a manpage install: dist-supplemental @# Install completions @# NOTE: bash and zsh completion requires additional setup to source a non-root dir mkdir -p {{bash_completion_dir}} {{zsh_completion_dir}} {{ fish_completion_dir }} {{ manpage_dir }} cp dist/{{ _pkgname }}.bash {{ bash_completion_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }} cp dist/{{ _pkgname }}.zsh {{ zsh_completion_dir }}/_{{ _pkgname }} cp dist/{{ _pkgname }}.fish {{ fish_completion_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }}.fish @# Install the manpage cp dist/{{ _pkgname }}.1.gz {{ manpage_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }}.1.gz || true @# Install the command to ~/.cargo/bin {{_cargo}} install --path . --force --features="{{features}}" # Alias for `cargo run -- {{args}}` run +args="": {{_cargo}} run {{_build_flags}} -- {{args}} # Remove any files installed by the `install` task (but leave any parent directories created) uninstall: @# TODO: Implement the proper fallback chain from `cargo install` rm ~/.cargo/bin/{{ _pkgname }} || true rm {{ manpage_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }}.1.gz || true rm {{ bash_completion_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }} || true rm {{ fish_completion_dir }}/{{ _pkgname }}.fish || true rm {{ zsh_completion_dir }}/_{{ _pkgname }} || true # -- Release Builds -- # Make a release build and then strip and compress the resulting binary build-dist: @echo "\n--== Building with {{channel}} for {{CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}} (features: {{features}}) ==--\n" {{_cargo}} build --release {{_build_flags}} @# Don't modify the original "cargo" output. That confuses cargo somehow. cp "{{_rls_bin_path}}" "{{_rls_bin_path}}.stripped" @printf "\n--== Stripping, SStripping, and Compressing With UPX ==--\n" {{strip_bin}} {{strip_flags}} "{{_rls_bin_path}}.stripped" @# Allow sstrip to fail because it can't be installed via "just install-deps" {{sstrip_bin}} "{{_rls_bin_path}}.stripped" || true @# Allow upx to fail in case the user wants to force no UPXing by leaving it uninstalled cp "{{_rls_bin_path}}.stripped" "{{_rls_bin_path}}.packed" upx {{upx_flags}} "{{_rls_bin_path}}.packed" || true @# Display the resulting file sizes so we can keep an eye on them @# (Separate `ls` invocations are used to force the display ordering) @printf "\n--== Final Result ==--\n" @ls -1sh "{{_rls_bin_path}}" @ls -1sh "{{_rls_bin_path}}.stripped" @ls -1sh "{{_rls_bin_path}}.packed" @printf "\n" # Build the shell completions and a manpage, and put them in `dist/` dist-supplemental: mkdir -p dist @# Generate completions and store them in dist/ {{_cargo}} run --release {{_build_flags}} -- --dump-completions bash > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.bash {{_cargo}} run --release {{_build_flags}} -- --dump-completions zsh > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.zsh {{_cargo}} run --release {{_build_flags}} -- --dump-completions fish > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.fish {{_cargo}} run --release {{_build_flags}} -- --dump-completions elvish > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.elvish {{_cargo}} run --release {{_build_flags}} -- --dump-completions powershell > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.powershell @# Generate manpage and store it gzipped in dist/ @# (This comes last so the earlier calls to `cargo run` will get the compiler warnings out) help2man -N '{{_cargo}} run {{_build_flags}} --' \ | gzip -9 > dist/{{ _pkgname }}.1.gz || true # Call `dist-supplemental` and `build-dist` and copy the packed binary to `dist/` dist: build-dist dist-supplemental @# Copy the packed command to dist/ cp "{{ _rls_bin_path }}.packed" dist/{{ _pkgname }} || \ cp "{{ _rls_bin_path }}.stripped" dist/{{ _pkgname }} # -- Dependencies -- # Use `apt-get` to install dependencies `cargo` can't (except `kcov` and `sstrip`) install-apt-deps: sudo apt-get install binutils help2man kcachegrind upx valgrind # `install-rustup-deps` and then `cargo install` tools install-cargo-deps: install-rustup-deps @# Prevent "already installed" from causing a failure {{_cargo}} install cargo-audit || true {{_cargo}} install cargo-bloat || true {{_cargo}} install cargo-deadlinks || true {{_cargo}} install cargo-edit || true {{_cargo}} install cargo-outdated || true cargo +nightly install cargo-cov || true # Install (don't update) nightly and `channel` toolchains, plus `CARGO_BUILD_TARGET`, clippy, and rustfmt install-rustup-deps: @# Prevent this from gleefully doing an unwanted "rustup update" rustup toolchain list | grep -q '{{channel}}' || rustup toolchain install '{{channel}}' rustup toolchain list | grep -q nightly || rustup toolchain install nightly rustup target list | grep -q '{{CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}} (' || rustup target add '{{CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}}' rustup component list | grep -q 'clippy-\S* (' || rustup component add clippy rustup component list --toolchain nightly | grep 'rustfmt-\S* (' || rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly # Run `install-apt-deps` and `install-cargo-deps`. List what remains. @install-deps: install-apt-deps install-cargo-deps echo echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "IMPORTANT: You will need to install the following manually:" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " * Rust-compatible kcov (http://sunjay.ca/2016/07/25/rust-code-coverage)" echo " * sstrip (http://www.muppetlabs.com/%7Ebreadbox/software/elfkickers.html)" # Local Variables: # mode: makefile # End: # vim: set ft=make textwidth=100 colorcolumn=101 noexpandtab sw=8 sts=8 ts=8 :