# gitig - Simple gitignore management [![Build Status](https://drone.schneider-hosting.de/api/badges/schneider/gitig/status.svg)](https://drone.schneider-hosting.de/schneider/gitig) `gitig` helps you to manage your .gitignore files more easily. When starting a new project, `gitig` will be there for you to download an example gitignore file for your project [from GitHub](https://github.com/github/gitignore). Check `gitig list-templates` to find all available templates and download it with `gitig get {template}`. During the project there will be always some files, which need to be ignored. Don't waste time with opening .gitignore in your editor and add a line there, just `gitig add {file}` and you're done. When ignoring concrete files, your shell will be there for you to complete the full filename. For more info check the help with `gitig help`