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update justfile syntax

apparently assignments are now done with `:=`.
Schneider 4 years ago
  1. 50


@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
# --== Variables to be customized/overridden by the user ==--
# The target for `cargo` commands to use and `install-rustup-deps` to install
export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET := "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
# An easy way to override the `cargo` channel for just this project
channel = "nightly"
channel := "nightly"
# Extra cargo features to enable
features = ""
features := ""
# An easy place to modify the build flags used
build_flags = ""
build_flags := ""
# Example for OpenPandora cross-compilation
# export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ build_flags = ""
# -- `build-dist` --
# Set this to the cross-compiler's `strip` when cross-compiling
strip_bin = "strip"
strip_bin := "strip"
# Flags passed to `strip_bin`
strip_flags = "--strip-unneeded"
strip_flags := "--strip-unneeded"
# Set this if you need to override it for a cross-compiling `sstrip`
sstrip_bin = "sstrip"
sstrip_bin := "sstrip"
# Flags passed to [UPX](
upx_flags = "--ultra-brute"
upx_flags := "--ultra-brute"
# Example for OpenPandora cross-compilation
# strip_bin = `echo $HOME/opt/pandora-dev/arm-2011.09/bin/pandora-strip`
@ -38,46 +38,46 @@ upx_flags = "--ultra-brute"
# -- `kcachegrind` --
# Extra arguments to pass to [callgrind](
callgrind_args = ""
callgrind_args := ""
# Temporary file used by `just kcachegrind`
callgrind_out_file = "callgrind.out.justfile"
callgrind_out_file := "callgrind.out.justfile"
# Set this to override how `kcachegrind` is called
kcachegrind = "kcachegrind"
kcachegrind := "kcachegrind"
# -- `install` and `uninstall` --
# Where to `install` bash completions.
# **You'll need to manually add some lines to source these files in `.bashrc.`**
bash_completion_dir = "~/.bash_completion.d"
bash_completion_dir := "~/.bash_completion.d"
# Where to `install` fish completions. You'll probably never need to change this.
fish_completion_dir = "~/.config/fish/completions"
fish_completion_dir := "~/.config/fish/completions"
# Where to `install` zsh completions.
# **You'll need to add this to your `fpath` manually**
zsh_completion_dir = "~/.zsh/functions"
zsh_completion_dir := "~/.zsh/functions"
# Where to `install` manpages. As long as `~/.cargo/bin` is in your `PATH`, `man` should
# automatically pick up this location.
manpage_dir = "~/.cargo/share/man/man1"
manpage_dir := "~/.cargo/share/man/man1"
# --== Code Begins ==--
# Internal variables
# TODO: Look up that GitHub issues post on whitespace handling
_cargo_cmd = "cargo" # Used for --dry-run simulation
_cargo = _cargo_cmd + " \"+" + channel + "\""
_build_flags = "--features=\"" + features + "\" " + build_flags
_doc_flags = "--document-private-items --features=\"" + features + "\""
_cargo_cmd := "cargo" # Used for --dry-run simulation
_cargo := _cargo_cmd + " \"+" + channel + "\""
_build_flags := "--features=\"" + features + "\" " + build_flags
_doc_flags := "--document-private-items --features=\"" + features + "\""
# Parse the value of the "name" key in the [package] section of Cargo.toml
# using only the commands any POSIX-compliant platform should have
# Source:
export _pkgname=`sed -nr "/^\[package\]/ { :l /^name[ ]*=/ { s/.*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" Cargo.toml | sed 's@^"\(.*\)"$@\1@'`
export _rls_bin_path="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/release/" + _pkgname
export _dbg_bin_path="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/debug/" + _pkgname
export _pkgname:=`sed -nr "/^\[package\]/ { :l /^name[ ]*=/ { s/.*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" Cargo.toml | sed 's@^"\(.*\)"$@\1@'`
export _rls_bin_path:="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/release/" + _pkgname
export _dbg_bin_path:="target/" + CARGO_BUILD_TARGET + "/debug/" + _pkgname
# Shorthand for `just test`
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ check +args="":
# Superset of `cargo clean -v` which deletes other stuff this justfile builds
clean +args="":
{{_cargo}} clean -v {{args}}
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="target/kcov" && {{_cargo}} clean -v
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR:="target/kcov" && {{_cargo}} clean -v
rm -rf dist
# Run rustdoc with `--document-private-items` and then run cargo-deadlinks
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ kcov:
# Adapted from:
# -
# -
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="target/kcov"
export RUSTFLAGS='-C link-dead-code'
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR:="target/kcov"
export RUSTFLAGS:='-C link-dead-code'
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then shift; fi # workaround for "can't shift that many" being fatal in dash
