let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = 'max' let g:ale_fixers={ \'javascript': ['prettier'], \'json': ['prettier'], \'php': ['prettier'], \'blade': ['prettier'], \} let g:ale_fix_on_save=1 " {{{ phpactor " Include use statement nmap u :call phpactor#UseAdd() " Invoke the context menu nmap mm :call phpactor#ContextMenu() " Invoke the navigation menu nmap nn :call phpactor#Navigate() " Goto definition of class or class member under the cursor nmap o :call phpactor#GotoDefinition() " Show brief information about the symbol under the cursor nmap K :call phpactor#Hover() " Transform the classes in the current file nmap tt :call phpactor#Transform() " Generate a new class (replacing the current file) nmap cc :call phpactor#ClassNew() " Extract expression (normal mode) nmap ee :call phpactor#ExtractExpression(v:false) " Extract expression from selection vmap ee :call phpactor#ExtractExpression(v:true) " Extract method from selection vmap em :call phpactor#ExtractMethod() "}}} nnoremap h :call PhpDocSingle()