# in case its not already thera alias la='ls -la' alias sagu='sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade' alias sagi='sudo apt install ' alias notes='vim "+:NV"' alias v='f -e vim' # quick opening files with vim alias o='a -e xdg-open' # quick opening files with xdg-open alias j='zz ' # {{{ GIT related alias gs='git status' alias gfr='git fetch && git rebase' alias gl='git log' alias gc='git commit ' alias ga='git add ' alias gc1='git clone --depth 1 ' alias gco='git checkout ' #}}} alias mem='cd /dev/shm' alias svim='sudoedit ' alias down='http --download ' alias p3='python3 ' alias open='xdg-open ' alias -g L='| less' alias -g G='| grep' # {{{ Golang alias gos='cd $GOPTAH/src' # }}} # {{{ exa if hash exa 2&>/dev/null ; then alias ls='exa ' alias lg='l --git ' alias lt='l --tree ' fi #}}} # {{{ docker-compose if hash docker-compose 2&>/dev/null ; then alias dcu='sudo docker-compose up' alias dcs='sudo docker-compose start' alias dce='sudo docker-compose stop' fi # }}}