8 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Message | Date |
Schneider |
3 years ago |
Schneider |
clean up vim plugins
4 years ago |
Schneider |
update vim
4 years ago |
Schneider |
update js config
4 years ago |
Schneider |
add xml config
4 years ago |
Schneider |
kitty: add color themes
4 years ago |
Schneider |
Switch musicplayer
4 years ago |
Schneider |
Update js settings
4 years ago |
13 changed files with 301 additions and 21 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
background #001e26 |
foreground #708183 |
cursor #708183 |
selection_background #002731 |
color0 #002731 |
color8 #465a61 |
color1 #d01b24 |
color9 #bd3612 |
color2 #728905 |
color10 #465a61 |
color3 #a57705 |
color11 #52676f |
color4 #2075c7 |
color12 #708183 |
color5 #c61b6e |
color13 #5856b9 |
color6 #259185 |
color14 #81908f |
color7 #e9e2cb |
color15 #fcf4dc |
selection_foreground #001e26 |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
background #001e26 |
foreground #9bc1c2 |
cursor #f34a00 |
selection_background #003747 |
color0 #002731 |
color8 #006388 |
color1 #d01b24 |
color9 #f4153b |
color2 #6bbe6c |
color10 #50ee84 |
color3 #a57705 |
color11 #b17e28 |
color4 #2075c7 |
color12 #178dc7 |
color5 #c61b6e |
color13 #e14d8e |
color6 #259185 |
color14 #00b29e |
color7 #e9e2cb |
color15 #fcf4dc |
selection_foreground #001e26 |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
background #fdf6e3 |
foreground #52676f |
cursor #52676f |
selection_background #e9e2cb |
color0 #e4e4e4 |
color8 #ffffd7 |
color1 #d70000 |
color9 #d75f00 |
color2 #5f8700 |
color10 #585858 |
color3 #af8700 |
color11 #626262 |
color4 #0087ff |
color12 #808080 |
color5 #af005f |
color13 #5f5faf |
color6 #00afaf |
color14 #8a8a8a |
color7 #262626 |
color15 #1c1c1c |
selection_foreground #fcf4dc |
@ -1,22 +1,34 @@ |
" use prettier in ALE |
let b:ale_fixers = {} |
let b:ale_fixers['javascript'] = ['prettier'] |
let b:ale_fixers['typescript'] = ['prettier'] |
let b:ale_javascript_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote' |
let b:ale_typescript_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote' |
let b:ale_fixers['javascript'] = ['eslint'] |
let b:ale_fixers['typescript'] = ['eslint'] |
let b:ale_fixers['json'] = ['eslint'] |
let b:ale_javascript_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote --tab-width 2' |
let b:ale_typescript_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote --tab-width 2' |
let b:ale_fixers['vue'] = ['prettier'] |
let b:ale_vue_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote' |
let b:ale_fix_on_save = 1 |
let b:ale_javascript_prettier_use_local_config = 1 |
let b:ale_typescript_prettier_use_local_config = 1 |
let b:ale_linters=[''] |
" config for local eslint |
g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global = 1 |
g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable = 'yarn' |
g:ale_javascript_eslint_options = 'run eslint' |
g:ale_typescript_eslint_use_global = 1 |
g:ale_typescript_eslint_executable = 'yarn' |
g:ale_typescript_eslint_options = 'run eslint' |
g:ale_json_eslint_use_global = 1 |
g:ale_json_eslint_executable = 'yarn' |
g:ale_json_eslint_options = 'run eslint' |
let g:jsdoc_formatter = 'tsdoc' |
"autocmd bufwritepost *.js silent !standard --fix % |
setlocal wildignore+=node_modules |
setlocal tabstop=2 |
setlocal shiftwidth=2 |
setlocal tabstop=4 |
setlocal shiftwidth=4 |
" Create jsdoc with ,h |
nnoremap <leader>h :JsDoc<CR> |
nnoremap <leader>h :JsDoc<CR> |
nnoremap <F8> Biawait <ESC>A |
nnoremap <F2> :Prettier<CR> |
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
let g:ale_fixers['json'] = ['prettier'] |
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 |
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 0 |
let b:ale_json_prettier_options = '--no-semi --single-quote --tab-width 4' |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
let b:ale_fixers = {} |
let b:ale_fixers['xml'] = ['xmllint'] |
let b:ale_fix_on_save = 1 |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
-- Config file for octo.nvim |
require"octo".setup({ |
default_remote = {"upstream", "origin"}; -- order to try remotes |
reaction_viewer_hint_icon = ""; -- marker for user reactions |
user_icon = " "; -- user icon |
timeline_marker = ""; -- timeline marker |
timeline_indent = "2"; -- timeline indentation |
right_bubble_delimiter = ""; -- Bubble delimiter |
left_bubble_delimiter = ""; -- Bubble delimiter |
github_hostname = ""; -- GitHub Enterprise host |
snippet_context_lines = 4; -- number or lines around commented lines |
file_panel = { |
size = 10, -- changed files panel rows |
use_icons = true -- use web-devicons in file panel |
}, |
mappings = { |
issue = { |
close_issue = "<space>ic", -- close issue |
reopen_issue = "<space>io", -- reopen issue |
list_issues = "<space>il", -- list open issues on same repo |
reload = "<C-r>", -- reload issue |
open_in_browser = "<C-b>", -- open issue in browser |
copy_url = "<C-y>", -- copy url to system clipboard |
add_assignee = "<space>aa", -- add assignee |
remove_assignee = "<space>ad", -- remove assignee |
create_label = "<space>lc", -- create label |
add_label = "<space>la", -- add label |
remove_label = "<space>ld", -- remove label |
goto_issue = "<space>gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue |
add_comment = "<space>ca", -- add comment |
delete_comment = "<space>cd", -- delete comment |
next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment |
prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment |
react_hooray = "<space>rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction |
react_heart = "<space>rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction |
react_eyes = "<space>re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction |
react_thumbs_up = "<space>r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction |
react_thumbs_down = "<space>r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction |
react_rocket = "<space>rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction |
react_laugh = "<space>rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction |
react_confused = "<space>rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction |
}, |
pull_request = { |
checkout_pr = "<space>po", -- checkout PR |
merge_pr = "<space>pm", -- merge PR |
list_commits = "<space>pc", -- list PR commits |
list_changed_files = "<space>pf", -- list PR changed files |
show_pr_diff = "<space>pd", -- show PR diff |
add_reviewer = "<space>va", -- add reviewer |
remove_reviewer = "<space>vd", -- remove reviewer request |
close_issue = "<space>ic", -- close PR |
reopen_issue = "<space>io", -- reopen PR |
list_issues = "<space>il", -- list open issues on same repo |
reload = "<C-r>", -- reload PR |
open_in_browser = "<C-b>", -- open PR in browser |
copy_url = "<C-y>", -- copy url to system clipboard |
add_assignee = "<space>aa", -- add assignee |
remove_assignee = "<space>ad", -- remove assignee |
create_label = "<space>lc", -- create label |
add_label = "<space>la", -- add label |
remove_label = "<space>ld", -- remove label |
goto_issue = "<space>gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue |
add_comment = "<space>ca", -- add comment |
delete_comment = "<space>cd", -- delete comment |
next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment |
prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment |
react_hooray = "<space>rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction |
react_heart = "<space>rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction |
react_eyes = "<space>re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction |
react_thumbs_up = "<space>r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction |
react_thumbs_down = "<space>r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction |
react_rocket = "<space>rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction |
react_laugh = "<space>rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction |
react_confused = "<space>rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction |
}, |
review_thread = { |
goto_issue = "<space>gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue |
add_comment = "<space>ca", -- add comment |
add_suggestion = "<space>sa", -- add suggestion |
delete_comment = "<space>cd", -- delete comment |
next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment |
prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment |
select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file |
select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file |
close_review_tab = "<C-c>", -- close review tab |
react_hooray = "<space>rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction |
react_heart = "<space>rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction |
react_eyes = "<space>re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction |
react_thumbs_up = "<space>r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction |
react_thumbs_down = "<space>r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction |
react_rocket = "<space>rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction |
react_laugh = "<space>rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction |
react_confused = "<space>rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction |
}, |
submit_win = { |
approve_review = "<C-a>", -- approve review |
comment_review = "<C-m>", -- comment review |
request_changes = "<C-r>", -- request changes review |
close_review_tab = "<C-c>", -- close review tab |
}, |
review_diff = { |
add_review_comment = "<space>ca", -- add a new review comment |
add_review_suggestion = "<space>sa", -- add a new review suggestion |
focus_files = "<leader>e", -- move focus to changed file panel |
toggle_files = "<leader>b", -- hide/show changed files panel |
next_thread = "]t", -- move to next thread |
prev_thread = "[t", -- move to previous thread |
select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file |
select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file |
close_review_tab = "<C-c>", -- close review tab |
toggle_viewed = "<leader><space>", -- toggle viewer viewed state |
}, |
file_panel = { |
next_entry = "j", -- move to next changed file |
prev_entry = "k", -- move to previous changed file |
select_entry = "<cr>", -- show selected changed file diffs |
refresh_files = "R", -- refresh changed files panel |
focus_files = "<leader>e", -- move focus to changed file panel |
toggle_files = "<leader>b", -- hide/show changed files panel |
select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file |
select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file |
close_review_tab = "<C-c>", -- close review tab |
toggle_viewed = "<leader><space>", -- toggle viewer viewed state |
} |
} |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { |
textobjects = { |
select = { |
enable = true, |
-- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim |
lookahead = true, |
keymaps = { |
-- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm |
["af"] = "@function.outer", |
["if"] = "@function.inner", |
["ac"] = "@class.outer", |
["ic"] = "@class.inner", |
-- Or you can define your own textobjects like this |
--["iF"] = { |
--python = "(function_definition) @function", |
--cpp = "(function_definition) @function", |
--c = "(function_definition) @function", |
--java = "(method_declaration) @function", |
--}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
} |
Reference in new issue