import praw import requests from prawcore import exceptions from telegram import Update from telegram.ext import CallbackContext four_twenty_groups = [] def get_post_type(url): header = requests.head(url).headers if 'Content-Type' in header: return header['Content-Type'] else: return '' def get_reddit_instance(): reddit_config = {} with open("config/reddit_config") as tmp_file: for line in tmp_file: (key, val) = line.split('=') reddit_config[key] = val.replace('\n', '') return praw.Reddit( user_agent=reddit_config['user_agent'], client_id=reddit_config['client_id'], client_secret=reddit_config['client_secret'] ) def get_reddit_post(sub, is_image_post=False): reddit_instance = get_reddit_instance() try: sub = reddit_instance.subreddit(sub) post = sub.random() except exceptions.NotFound: return "Ungültiges Sub :(" except exceptions.Forbidden: return "Privates/Gesperrtes Sub :(" except Exception as e: return e if post is None: return "Random geht in diesem Sub leider nicht :(" if is_image_post: tries = 0 while "image" not in get_post_type(post.url) and tries < 5: post = sub.random() tries += 1 if tries >= 5: return "Keine Bilder gefunden (über 5 Fehlversuche)" return post def wrong_dog(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): context.args = ['whatswrongwithyourdog'] reddit_img(update, context) def hamster(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): context.args = ['hamsters'] reddit_img(update, context) def drillcat(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): context.args = ['drillcats'] reddit_img(update, context) def cat(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): context.args = ['catpictures'] reddit_img(update, context) def dog(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): context.args = ['dogpictures'] reddit_img(update, context) def reddit(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if not context.args: update.message.reply_text("Bitte Sub angeben") return sub = context.args[0] update.message.reply_text(get_reddit_post(sub).url) def reddit_img(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if not context.args: update.message.reply_text("Bitte Sub angeben") return sub = context.args[0] post = get_reddit_post(sub, True) try:, photo=post.url) return except AttributeError: update.message.reply_text(post) print("ERROR")